NickServ Command's.

NickServ is used on Altnet to keep track of all the Nicks (nick names) in use at any time.

It does not let two people use the same Nick at anyone time, although, two people can use the same Nick, they must not be on any of the Altnet server's at the same time. Confused?, well you can Register Nicks the same as Channels and have Nick Kill set on, this means that if some one tries to use your Nick they are not allowed to and they get their Nick changed to one like Guest-12345 and they stay that way untill they change to another that is not Registered. You Do not have to Register a Nick if you do not want to.

Most of the actions you can do with Nickserv require you Identify to Nickserv before it will allow you alter the settings.

Some handy NickServ commands :-

/NICK Nick-Name
ie. /nick Johndory
Change's your Nick to what ever you put.

ie. /msg nickserv info Johndory
This will either bring the return of "Nick not Registered" or it will give you infomation about the person who own's the Nick.
This command can be used when you are looking for a Nick to Register yourself as yours.

/MSG NICKSERV REGISTER password email address
ie. /msg nickserv register uncletom
This Register's the Nick you are using at the moment to you with thePassword you put in, Please write it down you may need it again in the future, the email address must be real.
The email address is used for security purposes and you will receive a email with a Authentication number which then must be sent to Nickserv
ie. /msg nickserv auth 123456789

If a owner of a Nick does NOT IDENTIFY to Nickserv with in 21 day's it automatically becomes Un-Registered

ie. /msg nickserv identify uncletom
This Identifies you as the owner of the Nick your using on the channel or server your on.

ie. /msg nickserv ghost Johndory uncletom
If for some reason you fall off the Server, when you rejoin the server NickServ will some time's say "This Nick is already in use." if this happen's you use the Ghost command to kill off your own Nick. NickServ will then tell you that "Nick has been killed, Ghost command used by Nick." You can then change to the Nick of your choice using the /NICK command.

ie. /msg nickserv recover Johndory uncletom
This allow's you to Recover your Nick if some one else is using it.
For this command to work you must have Registered your Nick and your hostmask must match that in your Nicks Access list.
When used Nickserv takes control of the Nick for 1 minute, you are then free to use it.

With this set ON other users will not be able to use your registered Nick at all.

This together with your ICQ number will let people who do a /msg nickserv info to see your ICQ number with the other information.

This is used to get Help on any of the topic's / command's available with NickServ.
There are several other commands available. These are explained with in the NickServ Help reply.

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