Pirch program for IRC.

To use IRC you need to use a program (some times called a client) to be able to connect to a IRC Server. One of these is Pirch, you can get the Pirch program from http://www.pirch.com or here (1.7 meg). This program is shareware, full details of regestering are on their site. Below follows a simple setting up of Pirch to join our channel.

Once you have downloaded it, install Pirch into to root directory of either the C or D drive's, it has to be either of these or some of the program and/or scripts do not work.

Step 1. Use the menu at the top IRC and select Server list, this will open up the list of Network Servers you have (fig.1.) use the add network button to add a new network and fill in the details as required, then push the Add Server button and enter the required details (fig.2.) a list of Servers for AltNet can be found here.
Network Properties.

Fig. 1.

Server Properties

Fig. 2.

Step 2. If there are any small windows open inside Pirch close them. Use the Login icon to open the login window (fig.3.) and enter the details required and then push connect.
Server connection


Step 3. Push the Connect button to join the required network. If you want to join another Network or Server on that network push the small arrow on the right of the Connect button (Fig. 4.) and select the Network / Server you want to join. These can also be edited here too.

Connection button

Fig. 4.

Step 4. Joining the channel of your choice.

This can either be done by typing /join #Channel-name ie. /join #HarryHomers or by using the favorites button, by using the small arrow on the right of the favorites button you can edit your favorite channels and click on the one you want to join. (Fig. 5.)

Favorites list.

That is the basic setup done for Pirch, along with Pirch you should also run a Pirch add-on call Pirchling, this add's usefull pop-up menu's and some scripting to Pirch. Pirchling is available on the WEB or you can download it from here (872k).

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