The DalNet I.R.C. Network.

Their are quiet a few Server's on the DalNet  network, but they all have three thing's in common, they have Chanserv, Nickserv and Memoserv.

Chanserv look's after the channel detail's i.e.
a) Who is the channel founder.
b) When the channel was formed.
c) What the topic of the channel is.
d) A description of the channel.
e) The date and time that the last person was OPed.

Nickserv look's after all the Nick detail's of all registered nick's i.e.
a) The nick name.
b) Who own's the nick.
c) When the nick was registered.
d) The last time that nick was seen on DalNet.
e) Wether Nick is enforce or not.

Memoserv allow's you to leave other user's on DalNet small message's when they are not on the Network. They are stored on the Network database until the user is seen and then he/she is informed they have memo's waiting for them.

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