The rule's for getting Auto Voice and OP are as follows :-

1. New members will be voiced at first instance, instead of being offered aOPs.

2. Voicing will be by adding them to the access list, to afford them protection by chanserv. aOPs will no longer voice people unless they are already included in the access list.

3. The offer of voice will come from the co-founders, as has been the case previously with aOPs, when it appears that the person involved has settled down to become a regular on the channel and seems to "get along" with the members on channel. As has been the case with aOPs to date, members of the channel are free to approach co-founders nominating people for such inclusion in the channel. Basically, this is the same system that has operated to date with regard to aOPing people.

4. The co-founders and SOPs will get a general consensus from the channel, and based on this, the person will receive Voice. Voicing will not require a vote on the list.

5. Once Voiced, people will be expected to subscribe to the mail list.

6. After some period of time, members with voice may be considered for aOPs status. There will be no specific time limit on this. It will depend a great deal on their regularity on channel, their demeanor on channel, and so forth.

7. As is the case at present, members are welcome to submit voiced members for consideration of aOPs to the co-founders, who will decide if an offer should be made. If an offer is to be made, then it will be put to a vote on the mail list, as is the norm.

8. If the person receives a majority vote for him/her, they will be added as aOP to the access list. Again, the last three rules are the same has have been applied to date.

9. The Voicing of a person will not automatically mean they will be aOPed at some time in the future.

10. All members (aOPs, SOPs, and co-founders) will only temporarily voice or OP those people already in that access list, at that particular level.

11. Rule 10, in the case of SOPs and co-founders, will not apply when it involves securing the channel for some reason. For example, should it become necessary to temporarily moderate the channel, and it is believed that someone, without status in channel, should be allowed to communicate with the channel, i.e., an IRCCOP.

12. Rule 10, in case's of people wanting to learn about using aOP status, #HarryTech may be used to temporarily OP some one, but at least 1 aOP, SOP or Co-Founder must remain on #HarryTech with them and remove OP status from the scholar before the helper leave's the channel.
As noted in the rule's of the Channels.

The home page#HarryHomers pageContacting the founder`sContacting the SOP`s Joining the #HarryHomers mail list