Refused connection to Beyondirc?.

On Beyondirc if anyone has been a pain and giving lots of people and channels hassle, they DONOT just ban you like they do on other server's ? they Ban the offender's ISP.
At the moment this what has happened to, therefore if you are with you cannot get on the the Beyondirc network untill you have had the ban lifted.

Before submitting a request to BeyondIRC Network Administration to remove a K-Line or G-Line, Please review this short FAQ and follow the procedures laid out here in.
There are many reasons one falls claim to a G-Line and or K-Line. The most frequent is the obvious.

Repeated violation of network policy will result in removal from the network. Simple, elegant, and final.

In some cases, the user that has fallen prey to this type of ban will attempt to reconnect using a different IDENT (TCP/IP IDENT protocol), in this case, we will attempt to G-Line the offender again.
We will continue to attempt to remove the offending party and provider as well.

If the above description matches your experience, then the resolution is quite simple. Follow these steps to the letter.

1) Draft an email to
2) In the subject line place the word G-LINE NICK. NICK = The name you use on IRC.
3) In the body of text of the message, Paste the error message you receive when attempting to connect to BeyondIRC.
4) Next, type your NICK used on IRC.
5) Next, type your IDENT used on IRC.
6) Next, type your HOSTMASK of your Internet Service Provider.
7) Last but not least, Type a request using your real name stating that you wish to be exempt from this global network ban. Sign the message.

If you are unfamiliar with any of these terms, (NICK, IDENT, and HOSTMASK) mine are as follow's:-

The first Johndory being my Nick.
The second Johndory being my Ident
My Hostmask is @*

We ( do not offer technical support, nor answer questions regarding your particular client.
If any of the required information is omitted, your request will be filed to /dev/null.
In the case where you have violated policy, and were G-Lined from BeyondIRC, and would like to come back,
You will need to send a email to explaining the "facts" of your infraction.
I state again, only the "facts".
If you email is filled with accusatory mono syllable ranting and raving regarding freedom of speech or any other such constitutional crap, it will go unanswered and filed in /dev/null.
Let me remind you, this network is not a public domain playground such as EFNET or DALNET.
We take out our trash here and reserve the right to refuse access to these individuals that will not abide by our policy.
If you are granted a reprieve and the ban is removed, consider it your one and only chance.
As repeat offenders will remain banned forever.
Failure to follow this FAQ when requesting ban removal or exemption may result in no replies from BeyondIRC Network Administration.

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