Harry's main download page.
This is the place where you can find all the extra files that you are missing to enable you to play on our servers.
This includes everything from maps to Enemy Territory Mods. What is contained here are only the files required by the user not the full install of the items.
Everything is aranged in the directories you need to store them in inside your Enemy Territory directory. The default location on your system for Enemy Territory is C:\Program Flies\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\
If you change any files that Enemy Territory uses you quit and resatart Enemy Territory for the game to able to see the changes.
Select the link below for the directory which contains the item you are missing and you require to download.
Once you are in the directry you need to save the item. Select it by right clicking it, select save as, then browsae to the same directory on system. If the directrory
does not exist ? then create it naming it exactly the same as the directory on the web site is named, if this is not correct then Enemy Territory will not be able to find the files you are getting, you must save the files with the correct file type i.e. .pk3 and not .zip
Full map lists of the maps we are using on our servers can be found on the forum here.
Directory Name |
etmain |
this is the games main store for the default game items including all maps and config files |
etpro |
scrim server and scrim Mod |
etpub |
the directory which stores all the ETPub files
required for the HarryHomers servers that use it |
nq |
add on that is required for the noquarter server, uses OmniBot v0.8 but does
not have a OmniBot directory |
silent |
File's from this directory are required to play on our Silent mod servers.
pb |
This is the required update for PunkBuster to enable you to play on our servers.
Download the pb.zip file and after unpacking it, copy all the files in to your Enemy Territory/pb/ directory overwriting what is there, this is the last update that EvenBalance released for Enemy Territory.
You can also download all the required maps for each of our servers before you join, so you do not have wait for downloads while playing.
For this we have a tool called HH Map Installer.
The download for this and instructions on its use can be found here.
All other downloads are available via the link buttons below