he rule's are
simple ?. These must be followed ! or confusion will follow.
1. This applies to incidents where people who've been banned from
channel ask to be re-admitted.
2. Re-admission requires them to explain their actions, apologize,
make reparations, etc.
3. Generally this does not apply to member vs member disputes which
will be handled as seen fit, with the usual discretion, compassion,
4. This rule assumes from the beginning that the aggrieved
member(s) have total rights, and the banned person has none at all.
The banned person is only allowed to appeal at the discretion of the
aggrieved parties and the SOPs.
5. If the aggrieved person(s) does not wish to confront the banned
person to hear apology, explanation, whatever, then they have that
right, the hearing will not proceed and the person will remain banned.
6. IMPORTANT!! At no time will the banned person be allowed back onto
the channel unless they are exonerated and the ban lifted.
7. The SOPs will create a temporary channel and give themselves
control of it. The aggrieved party(s) and the banned person will be
given voice on the channel. All others who wish to be present will not
have voice, but may direct suitable questions and remarks through DCC
to a SOP who will be designated at the time. The SOP will then put
their questions to the channel. The channel will be moderated.
8. The SOPs and the aggrieved party(s) will also enter #HarryTech
where they can consult one another in private. The banned person will
not be allowed into #HarryTech, and to make sure of this all bans in
force on #HarryHomers will be duplicated on #HarryTech. Anyone not
directly involved with the hearing will not be allowed into #HarryTech
while the hearing is taking place, except at the request of the SOPs
or aggrieved party(s).
9. While on the Temporary "Hearing" Channel, one SOP will be
designated to carry out the session. Other SOPs will only contribute
when questioned or asked to. The whole intention is to cut down
"noise" on the channel, the less people talking the quicker it gets
sorted and the less misunderstandings there can be.
10. The banned person will only be re-instated providing :-
Firstly, the aggrieved party(s) are satisfied with what they've heard.
Secondly, the SOPs are satisfied that the person is not likely to
become a problem on the channel again.